Chunxiao XU World Customs OrganizationTechnical Attache

Chunxiao XU
Chunxiao XU is currently serving as a Technical Attaché in the Origin Sub-Directorate, Tariff and Trade Affairs Directorate, World Customs Organization (WCO). She is now responsible for the digitization of origin-related procedures. She has led the work on the WCO Study on the Digitization of the Certificate of Origin, the Study on Accumulation/Cumulation and is also responsible for the WCO Feasibility Study on the Interconnectivity Framework for the Certificate of Origin. Prior to joining the WCO, she worked for the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC) for more than 15 years. She has more than 10 years of experience in the field of rules of origin, contributing to policy and operational areas. She actively participated in the negotiation of several FTAs on Rules of Origin and has contributed and provided expertise in several Customs electronic projects such as certification, verification and CO data exchange systems.

Mardi 4 Février 2025

Time Session
Table ronde 4 (Partie 1) : Outils de l’OMD concernant l’interconnectivité en matière d’origine
Brendan C. O'HEARN Moderator WCOActing Director, Compliance and Facilitation Directorate
Chunxiao XU Moderator World Customs OrganizationTechnical Attache
Atsushi TANAKA Speaker Office of Rules of Origin, Customs and Triff Bureau, Ministry of FinanceDeputy Director
Tejo KUSUMA Speaker WCOTechnical Officer

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Time Session
Panel Discussion 4: WCO Tools on Interconnectivity Framework for the Certificate of Origin
Brendan C. O'HEARN Moderator WCOActing Director, Compliance and Facilitation Directorate
Chunxiao XU Speaker World Customs OrganizationTechnical Attache
Atsushi TANAKA Speaker Office of Rules of Origin, Customs and Triff Bureau, Ministry of FinanceDeputy Director
Tejo KUSUMA Speaker WCOTechnical Officer